Intro to Computer Engineering

Module 1 Prep

We will briefly review the class resources and get you set up with the necessary tools that you need to complete the course, including a GitHub account, git repository, and both the Eclipse and Arduino IDEs.


Review course policies

Make sure to visit the policies page to review the course policies, including:

You are responsible for reviewing and knowing all of this information!


Acquire an Arduino kit

The campus bookstore is selling SparkFun Arduino kits with everything you will need for this class. You should purchase one as soon as possible, and bring it with you to all studio sessions.

Note: The cable supplied in the SparkFun Arduino kit connects to your computer via USB-A. If your computer has only USB-C ports, you must bring a USB-A to USB-C adapter to class.


Install the Arduino IDE

If you are planning to use your laptop to complete the course assignments, you will need to install the Arduino IDE. You can get it here. Don't use the web editor, install the latest version of the IDE on your machine.


Install the Eclipse IDE

We will use Eclipse as the tool for: (a) accessing the git repositories, and (b) authoring and executing Java programs. See the video below for instructions on how to install Eclipse. (Note: the instructions make mention of the Oxygen release, which is an old edition. Not to worry, just install the latest version.)



Read Chapters 1 and 8 in the course text. Pay particular attention to Section 8.1.2 - Positional Number Systems.


Introduction to Arduino Programs

Watch the following videos for a quick introduction to Arduino programming - if these are confusing to you now, don't worry! You'll get more practice with this during the first week of class.

Video Description
Eclipse Install Professor Siever explains shows how to install the Eclipse IDE
Arduino Programs Watch as Professor Shook explains the basic structure of an Arduino sketch and goes through a Hello, World! program
Printing In this video, Professor Shook explains how to print stuff using the Arduino in more detail
Arduino Timing Timing is very important - see how to control timing on the Arduino.
NOTE: This video uses int data type to store the result of millis(). The better choice would have been unsigned long.


Information Representation Videos

In order to better understand what our computers are doing, it is important that we understand how computers store information. Watch the following videos to find out more about this very important topic.

Video Description
What is binary? Before we can understand how the computer represents data, it is important to understand the binary system.
Binary Number System Now that we know a bit about binary, we can use it to start representing numbers

Guide to Information Representation

This guide on information representation covers some of the same material covered in the videos, but it goes more in depth on a few topics.


Finite State Machines

Video Description
Intro. to Finite State Machines for Modelling This video introduces Finite State Machines as a way of modelling behavior
FSMs on the Arduino This video shows you how to take an FSM and turn it into code that can be run on an Arduino

Guide to Finite State Machines

This guide on Finite State Machines is also quite useful.

Generated at 2025-03-05 06:07:23 +0000.
Page written by Doug Shook.